Postage 📬: Glossier Boy Brow

September 14, 2016

Remember when I said that I'll be incorporating some new products into my beauty routine? Well, if you read my post "Pretty in #Glossier Pink" you know exactly what I'm talking about. Read it? Great! Now guess what arrived in the mail! 

Yes, the one and only Glossier Boy Brow! I was so excited that I literally screamed after seeing it at my front door. I have never been so thrilled to try a beauty product. I immediately took it into my room with a pair of scissors and opened the box. I was pleasantly greeted with the prettiest packaging I've ever seen! The box was baby pink on the inside featuring their motto "Skin first, Makeup Second, Smile Always". How cute! My beautiful Boy Brow was there in a chic hot pink packaging and was acquainted by stickers and a double-sided poster. I was so impressed with Glossier's product presentation that I had to take out my camera and take a couple of shots. But what made me buy the Boy Brow in the first place?

Well, after sadly running out of my Anastasia Beverly Hills brow gel, I've been looking for another one to take it's place. Being in love with Glossier lately, I've been looking at the beauty products on their website. I also know that some of my favorite bloggers Rachel Nguyen, Chriselle Lim, Christine Nguyen, Cali Vintage, and many more use this product. All of that gave me the extra push to purchase the infamous Boy Brow. Overall, I look forward to using it and seeing it in action myself. I'll be sure to let you know how I like it in a special post coming up! 

How'd you like that mail time? After coming across such beautiful packaging from Glossier, I named this "Postage". As an avid online shopper, I tend to purchase more stuff online as opposed to in-store and in result get a ton of packages. I'm thinking about continuing to do posts like this one and show you the products that I get in the mail, like an unboxing. I love watching unboxing videos on Youtube and it would be fun to do something like that here! Let me know what you think!

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